You are loved

There is nothing more life changing than knowing God's love and affection for you, and knowing that nothing will ever change that - there is no escape from his love. He has no secret agendas, no hidden motives, and no mixed desires when he loves you. All he wants is to give you good things - most of all, to give you himself. And he the greatest treasure there is.

Have a look at the love of God page to find out more, including a book on God's love I am writing.

God's love is expressed in the amazing grace and freedom he gives to us. Grace makes you free from the compulsion to try and earn God's love, because you are loved and accepted before you even do anything. It also makes you free to love God back and be how you were created to be, because there is no punishment coming to you if you fail - you can always get up and keep going again.

There are some reflections on God's grace on the grace and freedom page, including some sermons by my favourite grace guy, Ken Blue. There is also a summary of some of Ken's teaching (with some thoughts of my own) on the grace of God page.

I have also been thinking lately about finding your life vision ...

If you feel more like just having some fun, check out:

Jokes page jokes collected from around the place
Cartoons page some of my cartoons
Games page a few games I have made up or adapted

New stuff

lovely to God How God sees you Dec 20 2001
games page Card games Dec 20 2001
grace of God Some notes on grace Jan 4 2002


Here are some interesting places I have found ...

Bible Gateway an online Bible a guy from my church (includes "Dave and Leonie" wedding photos)
RBC Randwick Baptist Church (the church I go to)
TACF Toronto Airport Christian Fellowship
GRMI Global Resource Ministries, including the new wine network