Life vision

What is your vision for your life ? You were created for a purpose, and the
most fulling life you could have (and the life most glorifying to God) is
to be doing what you were made for ...

Here are some questions to help you discover the dreams and desires you have
for the following areas of your life:

1. Ministry
2. Work
3. Finances / material
4. Healing / wholeness
5. Intimacy with God
6. Experiences / activities
7. Character / internal life
8. Friendships / relationships
9. Health / fitness
10. Time / busyness / rest
11. Education / learning
12. Family / marriage

1. Ministry

What would I love to be doing ?
What do I want to happen through my life ?
What is the greatest thing that could happen ?

Do I have any wild ideas / dreams about doing something ?

Which spiritual gifts would I like to be exercising ?
In what environment / situation do my gifts come out best ?
What effects would I like to have on other people through my gifts ?
What kind of growth would I like to see happen with my gifts ?

Is there a group of people that I would like to be ministering to ?

Is there something I would like to do that would need other people's help ?
Who would I like to do that with ?

2. Work

What kind of work would I like to be doing ?
What would I do even if I wasn't being paid for it ?
What kind of work is the most satisfying and fulfilling to me ?
What type of work would be challenging to me ?
Is there a job which is related in some way to the other dreams I have
(ministry, etc) ? Would I like a job directly related to my ministry ?

Would I be happy to have one job for the rest of my life, or would I
like to do a few different things ?
What kind of working environment would I like to be in ?
What kind of people would I like to be working with ?
How much people contact would I like to have in my work ?
How much supervision would I be most comfortable with ?

3. Finances / material

What kind of income would I like to have ?
What would I like to own ?
How much would I like to be giving ?
What would I like to give to ?

Where would I like to live ?
Would I like to own or rent the place I live in ?
Would I like to stay in one place or move around ?

How would I like to handle budgeting ?
Is there anything I want to save up for ?
Are there any investments I would like to have ?

4. Healing / wholeness

Are there any wounds in my heart that are keeping me from being all I can be ?
What areas would I like to be healed in ?

Is it worth going through some pain to see my dream / God's dream for my life
fulfilled ?

5. Intimacy with God

What would I like my relationship with God to be like ?

6. Experiences / activities

What would I like to do at least once in my life ?
What would I like to do regularly / often ?

Are there any places I would like to go ?
Is there anything I would like to learn or have a try at doing ?
Is there anything I would like to see, or anyone I would like to meet ?
Is there a special event I would like to go to ?

7. Character / internal life

What kind of person would I like to be ?
What character traits do I most value ?
In what ways would I especially like to be like Jesus ?

8. Friendships / relationships

Who would I like to be closer to ?
How would I describe someone I would like as my closest friend ?
Who am I in a relationship with where we can say anything to each other /
confess things to each other ? Do I need more relationships like that ?
Who encourages me in my dreams and goals and is interested in what is
happening in my life ? Do I need some more people like that ?

Would I like to have a mentor ?
What would the relationship be like with them ?
Is there someone who I feel I would like to "have what they have" in
some way / I would like their gifts or character to rub off on me ?

Would I like to be a mentor to someone else ?
What kind of relationship would I like to have with them ?
What is precious to me that I would especially want to impart to them
from my life ?

Is there a person whose life I particularly want to impact ?
What would I like to see happen in their life ?

What would I like my relationships to be like with non-Christians ?
Is there anyone I would like to be closer to ?
Are there any activities I would like to do with people outside the church ?
Is there a group of people I would like to reach out to ?

Are there any broken relationships which I would like to see restored ?

9. Health / fitness

What level of fitness would I like to have ?
How interested am I in healthy food and nutrition ?
How much would I like to weigh ?
Are there any health problems which I would like to be fixed ?
Are there potential health problems which I want to avoid ?

10. Time / busyness / rest

How would I like to be spending my time ?
How active and "full" would I like my life to be ?
How relaxed and "unbusy" would I like my life to be ?
How much time would I like to be working ? What kind of working hours ?
How much time during the day / week / year do I want to spend resting and
relaxing ? What would be the best way for me to rest / relax in that time ?
How much time do I want to spend with God / people ?
What is the most helpful / enjoyable / refreshing / encouraging way for me
to spend time with God ?
How much time would I like to spend on other things (eg. exercise, learning) ?
When is the ideal time of the day / week for me to be doing all these things ?

How structured / organised or unplanned / flexible would I like my time do be ?
How much "unplanned" time would I like to have during the day / week / year ?
How disciplined / organised do I need to be so that nothing important gets
neglected in my life, and to not be stressed about things that need to be done ?
How spontaneous and unstructured do I need my time to be so that I don't feel
too constricted or unable to do something unplanned ?

What would be worth it to me to give lots of my time to ?
How could I potentially spend my time unhelpfully ?

11. Education / learning

How important is learning new things to me ?

Is there anything I would like to learn how to do ?
Is there a subject I would like to learn more about ?
Is there any training or equipping I would like for my work or ministry ?
Is there a course I would like to take ?

Is there anything I missed out which I would like to catch up on ?

12. Family / marriage

What kind of relationship would I like to have with my spouse ?
How much intimacy would I like there to be in my marriage ?
How would I like to see / treat / think about my spouse ?
What would I like the following areas to be like in my marriage:
Communication, dealing with conflicts, romance, spending time
together, outside relationships, knowing each other.

What kind of a parent would I like to be ?
What kind of relationship would I like to have with my children ?
What would I like to impart / pass on to my children ?

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