Brent said that he doesn't spend much time trying to love God - he spends a lot of time letting God love him though, because the Bible says to do it that way:
"We love because he first loved us"
(1 John 4:19, NIV)
Once you have been loved by God, everything changes ! The pressure to try and do things to earn his love is removed, and you actually want to do them voluntarily, because they are an expression of your love for him.
This love is meant to be the foundation of our lives:
I pray that you, being rooted and established in love, may have power,
together with all the saints, to grasp how wide and long and high and
deep is the love of Christ, and to know this love that surpasses
knowledge - that you may be filled to the measure of all the fullness
of God.
(Ephesians 3:17b-19, NIV)
Not many new Christians are "rooted and established" in God's love for them, even though this is the first thing they need. You may never have been given a proper foundation in God's love yourself.
I am currently working on a book called Letting God Love You which is about receiving God's love, and then giving that love back to him and to others.
The outline is shown below. Chapters in italics do not have a name yet.
PART 1 - Receiving God's love | |
1. Grounded in love |
The missing foundation of God's love Benefits of receiving God's love |
2. God's love in Jesus |
The Father is exactly like Jesus The price he paid and what he bought for you The joy of Jesus in laying down his life for you |
3. Brokenness/grace |
Everyone is broken God's hatred for sin is out of his love God still loves and delights in you when you sin God is so quick to forgive The new life God has placed in you |
4. God's plans for you |
The plans God has for you The place he has prepared for you |
5. The Father | What the Father is really like |
6. The bride |
Jesus as the bridegroom (in the Song of Songs) The effect you have on Jesus |
7. Letting God love you |
Ways to receive God's love Cultivating an intimate relationship with God |
8. Doing things with daddy |
God doesn't want to do things alone He always longed to dwell with us |
9. Experiencing God's love |
Experiencing God's love (by the Holy Spirit) "Abba, Father !" |
PART 2 - Responding to love | |
10. Loving God |
God thinks he is worth everything God wants to be sought and found by you Ways to love God |
11. Learning to love |
Loving others (out of the overflow of God's love) Imitating the way God loves |
12. Loving other Christians |
Jesus showed us how to live Laying down your life for your brothers Speaking the truth in love |
13. The cry for love | The world is longing for this love |
14. One thing |
The aim of your life What is your "one thing" ? |
If you happen to feel like praying for this book, or if you have any comments or suggestions (or stories about being impacted by God's love), please let me know.
I cannot guarantee that they would be included, but I would value your thoughts anyway !
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