Players: Two (potentially more)
Cards: Whole pack (two Jokers, one ranking higher than the other)
Objective: To score an exact number of points
Deal ten cards to each player. Put the rest of the cards in the centre as the "stock", and turn over the top card. The suit of the turned over card is trumps (redraw if a Joker is drawn). Turn over the next card; this is the top card in the discard pile.
Each turn, the player looks at the next card in the stock, and either takes that card or the top card in the discard pile. They then put one of their cards face up on the discard pile. If the stock runs out, the discard pile is shuffled to form the new stock, keeping the old top card from the discard pile.
The player may then choose to "shoot" if desired. To shoot, they play any card, and the other player must follow suit if they can (as in Five Hundred). The winner choses one of the cards played (their own or their opponent's) and adds its value to their score (see below). Both players then draw from the stock so that they have ten cards again.
Aces score 1 or 15, Jokers score 1 or 20, Jacks, Queens and Kings score 10, and the rest of the cards score their face value. Players aim to score exactly 101 points. If the current total is more than 101, the score is subtracted instead of added, so that the total always goes towards 101.
The first player to get exactly 101 points wins.
Optional rules
Multiple targets
In a single game, players aim for 67 points, then 133 points, then 201 points. Each target must be reached before they can go on to the next one.
Three shots
When a player chooses to shoot, they must make three shots in a row without drawing any cards in between. The current player leads each time, even if a trick is lost. The player draws cards at the end of their turn so that they have ten cards again as usual. Optionally, the total of the three shots must be added all at once, so that the rules about overshooting apply.
No overshooting
The total aimed for may not be exceeded. If adding a score would go beyond the target, the player may either score zero or subtract the score instead.
Doubles and triples
Instead of playing a single card, players may put down two or three of a kind (but not four of a kind). The other player must either put down the same number of cards (the highest cards win), or a single card (which always loses, unless it is a trump card). A double or triple may not be played if a single card was led. The suit is the suit of the top card (which must be trumps if there is a trump card). The other player must follow suit as usual, which means that if they put down two or three cards, one of them must have the same suit as the top card led (or be a trump).
The effect of this rule is that the only way to beat a double or a triple is to put down a higher ranking one (for example, a 9 9 double on a 7 7 double), or to put a single trump on a double or triple without a trump (for example, a 5 on a Q Q Q triple if diamonds are trumps).
The winner scores the total of either their own or their opponent's cards (individual Aces and Jokers may be scored as 1 or 15/20, so three Aces could score as 3, 17, 31 or 45). When a player puts down two or three cards, they draw cards from the stock to replace them so that they always have ten cards.
The target total should be made higher if this rule is used (201 or 301).
If the non-leading player plays a single two (and does not win the trick with a two of trumps), the other player "misses" and does not score anything. "Missing" a triple or a double reduces the score to a single (for example, following a 8 8 8 triple with 2 makes them score 8 points instead of 24).
Finish on a double
(Using the "doubles and triples" rule): Players must finish on a double (two of a kind).